VFBV Newsletter - January 2016

Published: Wed, 01/27/16

Newsletter - January 2016

Dear ,

Welcome to our monthly newsletter.  You can find a print version of this months articles on Page 2 of the January edition of the 'Fireman' newspaper. You can modify your subscriber details by following the 'Subscriber Options' link at the bottom of this email.
Editorial: A Busy End to 2015 and Hot Summer Still Ahead
By Andrew Ford, VFBV Chief Executive Officer
First, let me say thanks to all CFA volunteers for your efforts throughout a busy 2015 and certainly a busy start to this summer.

Also here’s hoping 2016 is a good year for CFA, our members and your families.

In recent weeks hundreds of CFA volunteers have set aside Christmas and New Year celebrations to attend to fires and other incidents and I know those that remained behind to protect local communities or be on the ready as back up crews, were also highly distracted and anxious about the ever present possibility of the next call.

Our thoughts go out to everyone who has suffered loss as a result of recent fires including our fellow CFA volunteer members who have lost homes or property.

VFBV has already activated support to assist CFA volunteers who have experienced loss and will continue to work via brigades in the affected areas to provide support to these fellow volunteers.

By the time this edition hits the streets the VFBV website will be updated with information on the various forms of assistance that are available.

As 2015 came to a close a few important updates were received.

Many of you will be aware that the release of the Fire Services Review report and the State Government’s response have been postponed until after the bushfire season.

The Minister for Emergency Services has announced she will lead a working group of Ministers to study the Review’s findings in depth and report back to the Government.

We acknowledge that many volunteers are frustrated with the delay and we certainly share their feelings of disappointment.

However, given that we are already into what is clearly going to be a long and busy summer, I suggest we take the opportunity to get on with the job at hand and concentrate on the important work of protecting the community.

When the Review’s report does become public, volunteers will need to be ready to have their say.

By visiting www.vfbv.com.au you can see our submission and VFBV’s September 28 letter to the Minister and all MPs, outlining the key issues of concern.

I encourage each of you to read them and discuss your thoughts with your fellow volunteers.

Also in September, VFBV requested a meeting with the Minister to discuss issues coming out of the Fire Services Review before any decisions affecting volunteers are made.

The Minister offered to meet with us after the report has been presented, and with its release newly postponed I will make another request that we meet and discuss the issues at the earliest opportunity.

VFBV has welcomed the Government’s announcement that the Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commissioner will examine issues around gender equity and workplace culture in Victoria’s emergency services, and I strongly encourage VFBV delegates to show leadership in actively welcoming and engaging in this work.

Support for greater diversity in CFA is something VFBV has recognised as a real opportunity, and where there are gaps, it is worthy of concerted effort to achieve improvement.

Encouraging greater diversity with regard to gender, cultures and ages in CFA will strengthen Brigades’ connections with the communities we protect and increase the pool of potential volunteers.

Emergency Services Minister Jane Garrett has expressed concern that only 3% of CFA and MFB operational staff are women.

In comparison, approximately 20% of all CFA volunteers are women and nearly 5,000 of those volunteer women are operational members.

I am assuming the activation of this work to examine issues around gender equity and workplace culture has been identified during the Fire Services Review, and we have already seen the Jones Inquiry into the effect of arrangements made by the Country Fire Authority on its Volunteers identifying culture and human resource management issues requiring attention.

Judge David Jones noted in his report that “CFA culture, leadership and human resource management are keys to maintaining and strengthening the community’s understanding of, confidence in, support for and active participation in the volunteer based emergency service model for Victoria, which is consequently fundamental to the future success of the CFA”.

Judge Jones also observed that “Improving leadership in CFA from top to bottom is key to the success of the CFA integrated model – this cannot be over emphasised and is one of CFA’s biggest challenges”.

Our annual VFBV Volunteer Welfare & Efficiency Survey has also asked volunteers for their opinions on diversity and workplace culture issues, and found they strongly desire an environment in CFA that welcomes people from all cultural backgrounds as well as different religious, political and personal beliefs; actively discourages workplace bullying; and ensures that there are no barriers to the roles women can occupy in Brigades.

The 2015 survey results show that although CFA performance in this area is scored comparatively well against other areas, it still needs attention.

The results showed that female volunteers saw a greater gap between the importance of equity and diversity issues and CFA’s actual performance.

Many volunteers have expressed frustration that CFA is in an era of review upon review, but we must not let this damage the spirit of CFA or the professional standards of protection we provide to the community every day and night of the year.

With major fires including Lancefield, the Indigo Valley in the northeast, Scotsburn near Ballarat, and the Lorne- Jamieson Track (Wye River) fire which destroyed more than 100 homes over Christmas, plus hundreds of fires across Victoria my message to key decision makers has been that the CFA and Emergency Management sector need to be supported in focusing on the immediate task of protecting the community.

We know CFA is an overwhelmingly great organisation, achieving great things in communities across Victoria, but at the same time we should always be looking for areas for improvement and ironing out any issues we find along the way.

Thank you for the work you do every day for your communities, keep up the great work.


VFBV's Animated Video - A Handy Tool for Brigades 
More than 22,000 people have now viewed VFBV’s animated video CFA Surge Capacity - Essential For Victoria online, and regional TV and newspapers have taken the story to a wider audience.

The video carries a short, simple and powerful message about the essential value of CFA and CFA volunteers.  It runs four minutes and is ideal for Brigades' use with community groups, local Members of Parliament and other community leaders, school groups or your local media.

You can see the video on the VFBV website www.vfbv.com.au, or on YouTube at the VFBV channel, VFBVTV, along with a message of support from Emergency Services Minister Jane Garrett.

The video is being distributed to VFBV District Councils in a form that can be easily copied or loaned to Brigades for use at Brigade or public events.  Contact peter@vfbv.com.au or call (03) 9886 1141 to request an urgent copy if your Brigade has an event coming soon.
Cancer Law this Year 
We are now into 2016, the year in which the State Government has promised to introduce presumptive cancer compensation legislation for firefighters.
Two vital questions remain unanswered;
  • Will the legislation treat career and volunteer firefighters equally? Queensland and South Australian legislation does, but the older, out of date legislation in Tasmania does not.
  • Will the legislation be retrospective – if a volunteer is diagnosed with cancer today, will they be protected?
Volunteers welcomed Labor’s pre-election commitment to introducing presumptive legislation, and the Coalition’s subsequent commitment to supporting equal treatment of career and volunteer firefighters, but the proposed legislation has not been made public and the questions remain unanswered.
See www.vfbv.com.au for ways you can help to push for fairer and simpler cancer compensation for all Victorian firefighters.


Vale Alan King AFSM
The Board and State Council of Volunteer Fire Brigades Victoria were saddened to learn of the passing on 27 December 2015 of Association Life Member, former Editor of ‘The Fireman’ and lifelong supporter of CFA and volunteers, Alan King AFSM.

Alan was a former volunteer with Frankston Fire Brigade, an Honorary Member of Patterson River Fire Brigade and a member of VFBV’s History Committee.

Alan and his family will always be true friends of CFA and there are countless volunteers with their own special memories of times spent with Alan and Merna, stories told and lifelong friendships formed.

Alan was a truly special man and will always be remembered as part of CFA’s proud history.

VFBV extends its sincere sympathies to Alan’s family.


Resolving Conflicts within Brigades
VFBV has developed a simple handbook for delegates on resolving conflicts within Brigades.

This handbook is designed by volunteers for volunteers, as a helpful tool and an easy-to-read guide to assist delegates in helping Captains and volunteers to achieve respectful and timely resolutions of conflicts, including bullying, discrimination or harassment issues.

Our ultimate objective is to create and maintain healthy, productive and mutually respectful Brigade environments and see that all people involved in disputes and conflicts are treated fairly.

The handbook is aimed at complementing CFA’s tools and guides, and gives all parties involved some common sense advice and guidance on how to deal with conflict, but more importantly, to find a resolution.

The handbook is going through a final volunteer feedback round, and is hoped to be finalised and available to delegates in the first half of 2016.


Digital Scanner Orders Close
Orders for digital scanners under the subsidy scheme negotiated by VFBV and CFA for Brigades have now closed.

Under the scheme, each Brigade has been entitled to a minimum of eight scanners at $150 each, with an opportunity to apply for any leftover subsidised units, and an unlimited number available at cost price, which is still well below retail.

Thousands of the new digital scanners have been delivered to Brigades, and the allocation of any leftover subsidised sets will be announced soon.

Reception difficulties in some areas have been traced back to network problems, and anyone experiencing problems with reception of CFA dispatch traffic should test reception with a CFA Tait radio and report any issues to the CFA Comms Helpdesk.


Pager Complaints 
The VFBV/CFA Joint Communications and Technology Committee continues to receive complaints from members regarding the current pagers.

The Committee has again asked CFA to discuss with Emergency Management Victoria the status of the user group and the desire for it to include good volunteer representation to allow informed decisions about the features and operation of the new generation pager.

CFA has advised it is supportive of the concept and will again raise the issue with EMV, as it is a multi-agency device and EMV is responsible for its coordination.

The Joint Committee is pressing for early volunteer involvement so that consultation will inform the specifications of a future device, instead of reacting to existing technology and models already on the market.

To help the Joint Committee, talk to your VFBV State Councillor now about what you want to see in the next generation pager.


Take a Picture of your Strike Team Crew
A reminder for all crews away on Strike Teams this summer; a team photo of your hard working volunteers with the truck will be very useful for Facebook and your local newspaper.

It’s a boost to community confidence in the professionalism of the Brigade, and supports recruiting and fundraising.

The newspaper will need the names of the volunteers in the picture, details of the work they’ve been doing, and some local fire safety advice to include in the story.

For VFBV’s handy tips on local publicity; email Peter Beaton at peter@vfbv.com.au 


Sector Commander Course
CFA has agreed to rework the Sector Commander course, to remove duplication of elements that are already in other courses and reduce the time commitment required.

The current course assumes the student has no prior knowledge, and volunteers have pointed out that it duplicates material covered in earlier courses such as Crew Leader.

There have also been restrictive pre-requisites to undertake the course.

The VFBV/CFA Joint Operations Committee has highlighted to CFA that the course was originally designed to be delivered in unique modules, but so far all modules have been delivered consecutively which led to courses running over 3 or 4 consecutive weekends.

CFA has agreed to break the course into four distinct modules with any duplication removed.

It is anticipated that this may reduce the course to one night and two days.

Piloting of the new course is anticipated early in 2016.
Recognising Junior Service
CFA is conducting an online survey looking at the proposal to officially recognise service as a junior as part of a member’s CFA service record.

The survey is open until Sunday, 29 February 2016.

We expect members’ views to vary, since Brigades run junior programs in many different ways, so volunteer feedback is important before decisions are made.

Fire Station Modifications
Responding to feedback from Brigades contemplating improvements to fire stations through the VESEP grants program, the VFBV/CFA Joint Equipment and Infrastructure Committee has endorsed a new year-round registration process to assist with the long lead times required for quotes and approvals.

Brigades can now register and plan for minor works well before they apply for a grant, by providing a description of the proposed works, a cost estimate, funding source and nomination of a Brigade contact.

CFA Land & Building will then work with the Brigade to undertake an initial review of the proposed works, a site inspection (where required) and a cost assessment, prior to the Brigade seeking local approval to proceed.

To register or seek assistance, contact CFA’s VESEP Minor Works Project Manager Bruce Rowley on (03) 5833 2425 or at b.rowley@cfa.vic.gov.au - Start planning for next year’s VESEP round now!   
VFBV on Social Media
Join the discussion on our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/cfavol

Follow us on Twitter at www.twitter.com/vfbv or on Instagram @volunteer_fire_brigades_vic



9/24 Lakeside Dr
Burwood East VIC

(03) 9886 1141